
Postharvest Treatment of Wood Biomass from a Large Collection of European Grape Varieties: Impact on the Selection of Polyphenol-Rich Byproducts

  • Recherche,

A research article published in ACS sustainable Chemistry & Engineering in february 2021.




Kévin Billet, Marianne Unlubayir, Thibaut Munsch, Magdalena Anna Malinowska,Thomas Dugé de Bernonville, Audrey Oudin, Vincent Courdavault,bastien Besseau, Nathalie Giglioli-Guivarch, and Arnaud Lanoue



Grape canes are viticulture byproducts representing a sustainable source of valuable bioactive polyphenols. However, varietal origin and postharvest treatment greatly influence the effective concentration of biomolecules, thus limiting industrial development. With the aim to develop grape cane extracts with high polyphenol contents, the selection of a specific grape variety combined with optimized postharvest treatment is the major determinant. A previously described postharvest treatment comprising cutting grapevine stalks of 0.5 cm length and storage at 15− 20 °C over 2 weeks was applied on a selection of 44 grape varieties representative of the genetic diversity of the whole European collection and performing the screening of polyphenol contents. Varietal rankings according to major polyphenols (catechin, epicatechin, E-resveratrol, E- piceatannol, E-ε-viniferin, E-miyabenol C, ampelopsin A, E-vitisin B, hopeaphenol, and isophopeaphenol) were performed with and without the postharvest treatment. We observed that postharvest treatment greatly influenced the total polyphenol composition but also the ranking of polyphenol-rich varieties. This polyphenol screening of grape canes from a large collection of European varieties revealed the importance of postharvest treatment together with the selection of varieties to develop natural extracts based on grapevine wood biomass enriched with molecules with health benefits.

Keywords: grape canes, waste biomass, postharvest treatment, polyphenols, germplasm collection, ranking